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Student-centered Approach in Teaching and Learning: What Does It Really Mean?

Author(s): Kuok Ho Daniel Tang ORCID
Author(s) information:
Department of Environmental Science, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

Corresponding author

Student-centered approach has been the center of attention in teaching and learning as the emphasis to shift away from teacher-centered approach is growing. While the term has been widely used, it remains unclear how it can be effectively operationalized given the continuum nature of teacher-centered and student-centered approaches. This article examines 34 articles and included a thematic analysis of their contents to systematically present the methods to operationalize student-centered approach. A channel to practice student-centered approach is project-based learning where students work on projects, such as community and design projects, and are expected to manage the projects or at least propose actions or solutions. Problem-based learning is a variant of project-based learning and students often work on scenarios, cases, questions, or problems which are less extensive than projects. Problem-solving usually precedes lectures to promote self-directed learning and facilitate scaffolding. An argument-based curriculum incorporates arguments and debates that engage students in the self-discovery of different perspectives on a given topic. Student-centered approach is closely linked to the use of technology for research, interactions, gamification, simulations, and feedback. Student-centered feedback prompts active learning through deliberate feedback while adaptive teaching involves students in content-building. This review contributes to the enhancement of student-centered elements in teaching and learning.

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About this article

SUBMITTED: 25 February 2023
ACCEPTED: 24 March 2023
PUBLISHED: 28 March 2023

Cite this article
Tang, K. H. D. (2023). Student-centered Approach in Teaching and Learning: What Does It Really Mean?. Acta Pedagogia Asiana, 2(2), 72–83.
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