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Open access journals

All articles in open access journals which are published by Tecno Scientifica have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. For publishing proposals, including transfer of existing journals, launch of new titles or conversion of subscription journals to Open Access, please contact us.

Journal Name ISSN APC Current Issue
Tropical Aquatic and Soil Pollution 2798-3056 Free* Vol.4 Iss.1
Civil and Sustainable Urban Engineering 2808-9200 Free* Vol.4 Iss.1
Green Intelligent Systems and Applications 2809-1116 Free* Vol.4 Iss.1
Journal of Digital Marketing and Communication 2809-1736 Free* Vol.4 Iss.1
Industrial and Domestic Waste Management 2809-4255 Free* Vol.4 Iss.1
Acta Pedagogia Asiana 2963-6442 Free* Vol.3 Iss.2
Data Intelligence and Informatics Practice - Free* -
Community Engagement in Higher Education - Free* Vol.1 Iss.1
Tropical Environment, Biology, and Technology 3009-0806 Free* Vol.2 Iss.1
Sustainable Environmental Insight 3036-0285 Free* Vol.1 Iss.1
Artificial Intelligence in Computational Mechanics - Free* Vol.1 Iss.1

*FREE for readers and authors, with article processing charges (APC) sponsored by Tecno Scientifica.

Published articles:

  • Are fully peer reviewed
  • Are immediately free to access and download from Tecno Scientifica
  • Permits unrestricted use defined by Creative Commons Attribution License, provided the original work is properly cited
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