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Acta Pedagogia Asiana

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Keyword = learning experiences
Journal = Acta Pedagogia Asiana
Found 5 items.
Open Access
Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Teaching and Learning
by Kuok Ho Daniel Tang

Acta Pedagogia Asia 519 views
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed teaching and learning, facilitating a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered education. This review outlines the broad implications of AI for education and synthesizes both the opportunities and challenges associated with its implementation. Examining over 55 papers related to the impacts of AI on education, the review encompasses various educational contexts, avoiding a singular focus on specific types of education or the teaching of AI alone. According to the review, AI introduces new opportunities for creating intelligent content that enhances learning experiences, fostering interactivity and a student-centered approach. Smart content enables instructors to integrate multimedia, interactive tools, AI-related wearables, and information technologies, diversifying learning modes and engaging students more effectively. The creation of smart content aligns with smart education frameworks to ensure efficient content development. AI also contributes to the development of intelligent tutoring systems, which simulate human tutors to deliver personalized and adaptive educational experiences. These systems can host smart content, enabling independent learning. Additionally, AI improves virtual learning environments by analyzing student data to tailor content and delivery methods based on individual needs. It automates tasks such as grading and feedback, allowing teachers to concentrate on other essential responsibilities. While AI brings significant benefits, it is not without limitations. Challenges include infrastructure requirements, considerations of inclusion and equity, teacher readiness and preparation, data quality and inclusivity, profit orientation, data privacy and ethical concerns, and the potential for unequal access. Addressing these limitations is crucial for maximizing the positive impacts of AI in the realm of education. Full text

Open Access
Implementation of Formative Assessment in Engineering Education
by Eva Sanchez-Lopez, Joseph Kasongo, Andres Filipe Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ahmed Mostrady

Acta Pedagogia Asia 576 views
Formative assessment is an assessment of student learning that aims to improve students' skills or understanding of certain course themes. Formative evaluations are often conducted in class, can be conducted anonymously, and are typically much more focused on certain abilities or knowledge. This article presents a comprehensive literature analysis on formative assessment in engineering education. As an integrated narrative review, this study's methodology included a systematic search, review, and writing of the literature in order to synthesize the important themes and conclusions of research in this field. The authors selected and reviewed the available literature using qualitative thematic criteria, focusing on the relationship between formative assessment and students' attitudes, FA and self-regulation skills, online formative evaluation, validity, reliability, and dishonesty of assessment, and engagement with critical learning processes. An increase in student involvement and centrality in the process as primary actors, as well as the building of a learning community, are among the cited benefits. According to the primary results, effective online formative assessment can generate a student- and assessment-centered emphasis through formative feedback and enhanced learner engagement with significant learning experiences. In the context of online formative assessment, it has been discovered that ongoing authentic assessment activities and interactive formative feedback are vital for overcoming validity and reliability concerns. Full text

Open Access
Bridging Theory and Practice: The Role of Site Visits in Environmental Engineering Learning
by Muhammad Noor Hazwan Jusoh, Tony Hadibarata

Acta Pedagogia Asia 190 views
In engineering education, experiential learning is essential as it allowed students to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. This study explored the impact of industrial visits, a form of experiential learning, on engineering students’ comprehension, critical thinking, and overall educational experience. We employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating questionnaire surveys, reflective writing exercises, and qualitative analyses to assess the learning outcomes and pedagogical implications of these site visits. Our findings demonstrated that industrial visits significantly enhanced students’ understanding of engineering concepts by providing real-world context to theoretical knowledge. Through reflective exercises, students integrated their field trip experiences with classroom learning, fostering critical thinking abilities and a deeper comprehension of the subject matter. This study underscored the importance of curriculum integration. To nurture students as adept problem solvers and critical thinkers in both academic and practical engineering fields, fostering dynamic interactions between theoretical instruction and practical experiences was crucial. Our study encouraged further exploration of how experiential learning could enrich the educational journey, equipping students to tackle complex challenges in our ever-evolving environment as engineering education advanced. Full text

Open Access
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Navigating Models and Implementing Effective Strategies
by Hassan Abdalla, Ahmat Moussa

Acta Pedagogia Asia 77 views
Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) stands as a beacon of equity and inclusivity within the realm of education, advocating for instructional practices that honor and affirm students' diverse cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It bridges the cultural divide between educators and students, recognizing that cultural identities significantly shape learning experiences and outcomes. The aim of this review is to thoroughly analyze CRT, delving into its diverse models, strategies, and practical implications. CRT emphasizes cultural competence among educators, the integration of culturally relevant content into the curriculum, and fostering positive teacher-student relationships. Models developed by scholars such as James A. Banks, Geneva Gay, and Gloria Ladson-Billings provide practical frameworks for CRT implementation, promoting culturally inclusive teaching methods and nurturing positive intercultural interactions. Implementing CRT involves creating inclusive curriculum, cultivating cultural competence among educators, and fostering positive teacher-student relationships. However, challenges such as implicit bias, structural barriers, and language diversity must be addressed to create supportive learning environments. Moving forward, enhancing teacher education programs, providing ongoing professional development, and advocating for policies that support equity and inclusion are essential steps to advance culturally responsive practices in education. Collaborative efforts among educators, researchers, policymakers, and community stakeholders are vital for promoting equity, fostering collaboration, and improving outcomes for all students in culturally diverse educational settings. Full text

Open Access
Implementation of Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education
by Shamira Elsayed, Define Cakir

Acta Pedagogia Asia 566 views
The ability of feedback to improve students' performance on a task, their techniques, and their learning has long been recognized in the literature. The primary goal of feedback is to reduce errors, close knowledge and skill gaps, and improve knowledge and skill acquisition. However, a student must use feedback to reach his or her full potential. Therefore, much of the recent feedback research has focused on examining student perceptions of feedback and how they relate to the effective use of feedback. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the literature on feedback perception. Inadequate theoretical frameworks, repetition (but not replication) of research, and methodological flaws in the articles reviewed have led to rather unsatisfactory conclusions. This type of feedback often does nothing to improve student learning experiences. It is time for professors to rethink the practice of commenting. They should move away from conventional methods of providing feedback to students. This study describes some contemporary methods of feedback that can ultimately help students improve their learning experiences. This can also contribute to the professionalization of teachers in higher education. Based on the findings, we propose a framework for further research on students' perceptions of feedback and many future directions for this topic. Full text

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