Tropical Aquatic and Soil Pollution (e-ISSN: 2798-3056) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on theoretical and applied sciences related to aquatic and soil, all aspects of pollution and solution to pollution in the biosphere published biannual online by the Society of Tropical Science and Technology and Tecno Scientifica. Open Access — free for readers and authors. High Visibility: indexed within Copernicus, CrossRef, Scilit, Google Scholar and many other databases. Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 3 weeks after submission. About TASP journal | All volumes & issues
Alyssa Hutasuhut,
Aris Ismanto,
Baskoro Rochaddi,
Lilik Maslukah,
Rikha Widiaratih
Article | 490 views
Kuok Ho Daniel Tang,
Zhu Hang Goh
Article | 659 views
Ali Williams Butu,
Chukwudi Nnaemeka Emeribe,
Ijeoma Obianuju Muoka,
Oluchi Favour Emeribe,
Emmanuel Temiotan Ogbomida
Article | 750 views
Onyekwere Precious,
Chioma Nwakanma
Article | 230 views
Risky Ayu Kristanti,
Wei Lin Wong,
Yeti Darmayati,
Ariani Hatmanti,
Nilam Fadmaulidha Wulandari,
Mada Triandala Sibero,
Nur Fitriah Afianti,
Erika Hernandes,
Flavio Lopez-Martinez
Review | 672 views