Tropical Environment, Biology, and Technology is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open-access journal focusing on tropical science especially environment, biology, and technology published biannually online by the Society of Tropical Science and Technology, and Tecno Scientifica. Open Access — free for readers and authors, with no article processing charges (APC). Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 3 weeks after submission. About TEBT journal | All volumes & issues
Danny Jau Karing,
Milani Anggiani,
Linh Thi Thuy Cao,
Mohamed El-shaammari
Articles | 358 views
Yu Yan Lau,
Gaurav Talukdar,
Hasti Widyasamratri,
Jie Wang,
Mohamed El-shaammari
Review | 837 views
Apollonia Huei Jhe Lim,
Risky Ayu Kristanti,
Edy Endrotjahyo,
Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao,
Daniel A. Adeyemi
Review | 495 views
Wei Sheng Choong,
Risky Ayu Kristanti,
Wilawan Khanitchaidecha,
Mehmet Emre,
Mihaela Albescu
Review | 282 views
Wei Xuen New,
Risky Ayu Kristanti,
Helena Manik,
Yureana Wijayanti,
Daniel A. Adeyemi
Review | 763 views