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The Effect of Starbucks Reward Marketing Communications on Instagram @starbucksindonesia on Followers Buying Interest

Author(s): Muhammad Yoga Farhan , Elisabeth Nugrahaeni , K.Y.S. Putri
Author(s) information:
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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The development of technology has significantly influenced various aspects of life, particularly in communication and business, which are closely interconnected. In marketing, effective communication plays a crucial role, a concept known as marketing communication. In today's digital era, most activities are conducted online, making marketing communications increasingly reliant on online media. Marketing communication is a strategic activity aimed at creating awareness or knowledge about products and their attributes, informing consumers about product benefits, building a positive image, and fostering positive attitudes, preferences, and buying interest in the product. This research aims to examine the effect of Starbucks Reward marketing communications on Instagram @starbucksindonesia on followers' buying interest. A quantitative research approach with a survey method was employed. The population for this study consisted of followers of the Instagram account @starbucksindonesia, with a sample size of 100 participants. The research findings indicate that the calculated t-value was 9.091, which is greater than the critical t-value of 1.995 (9.091 > 1.995). The significance value was 0.000, which is less than the threshold of 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). These results demonstrate a significant influence of the independent variable X (Marketing Communications) on the dependent variable Y (Buying Interest).

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About this article

SUBMITTED: 02 October 2024
ACCEPTED: 15 November 2024
PUBLISHED: 21 November 2024

Cite this article
Farhan, M. Y., Nugrahaeni, E., & Putri, K. Y. S. (2024). The Effect of Starbucks Reward Marketing Communications on Instagram @starbucksindonesia on Followers Buying Interest. Journal of Digital Marketing and Communication, 4(2), 86–94.
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