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Digital Marketing and Consumer Nutritional Behavior

Author(s): Aysu Kömürcü 1 , Dilara Özdil 2 , Ahmet Reha Botsali 3 , Didem Önay Derin 4
Author(s) information:
1 Selcuk University Institute of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Turkiye.
2 Necmettin Erbakan University Institute of Sciences Department of Industrial Engineering, Turkiye.
3 Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering, Turkiye.
4 Selcuk University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Turkiye.

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Digital marketing involves promoting and selling products and services online and it is becoming extremely critical for retailers to gain new customers. Digital marketing uses online platforms, e-mail communications and messaging services, advertisements, and multi-modal online techniques. Digital marketing techniques can be used in parallel with machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide more effective results in analyzing customer behavior. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an important and popular tool in the 21st century, affecting almost every sector, including engineering, science, medicine, business, finance, and marketing. However, AI’s dominance in every field of life, especially in digital marketing, may cause some ethical concerns related to consumers. In addition to these moral concerns, digital marketing creates doubts about its negative impact on human health.   For this reason, understanding consumer behavior and providing products according to consumer needs has become indispensable for companies today. Digital marketing is everywhere in our daily lives and is also frequently used in the food industry. Through digital marketing, food industries promote the consumption of foods that are particularly high in energy and poor in nutrients. Consequently, individuals exposed to digital marketing in the food industry may be prone to obesity-related problems. This study analyzes the relationship between digital marketing, AI, and consumer behavior specifically on eating habits along with references from the literature.

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About this article

SUBMITTED: 28 August 2024
ACCEPTED: 21 September 2024
PUBLISHED: 23 September 2024

Cite this article
Kömürcü, A. ., Özdil, D., Botsali, A. R., & Önay Derin, D. (2024). Digital Marketing and Consumer Nutritional Behavior. Journal of Digital Marketing and Communication, 4(2), 62–69.
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