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Discussion Board Tool and Student Engagement in a Digital Learning Space

Author(s): Samuel Adeyinka-Ojo
Author(s) information:
Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia, CDT250, Miri 98009, Malaysia

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The purpose of this paper is to share the author’s online teaching experiences on increasing student engagement and learning experiences in a digital teaching environment using the discussion board tool. Blackboard was adopted as the learning management system at the author’s affiliated university for digital teaching and learning delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic era. A discussion board is a communication tool contained within Blackboard Collaborate Ultra that can be used to enhance learning and teaching. To achieve the purpose of my personal reflection reporting, this study asks one question of the participants: how would you describe your learning experience and engagement with your lecturer and fellow students using the discussion board tool for pre-tutorial and group assignments? This paper presents the context, reflection, and case scenarios of three UG teaching units concerning fostering student engagement in a digital learning environment through the discussion board tool. Findings indicate that there are three stages of student engagement using the discussion board tool, namely: tutor-student engagement, student-student engagement, and student group-student group engagement. The discussion board tool encourages an active learning experience. The implications of my reflective account show that fostering student engagement in a digital learning environment through the discussion board is important for both tutors and students. It is recommended that more faculty members explore learning and teaching resources available on the discussion board tool in the "new normal" era.
About this article

SUBMITTED: 23 November 2021
ACCEPTED: 01 December 2021
PUBLISHED: 2 December 2021

Cite this article
Adeyinka-Ojo, S. (2021). Discussion Board Tool and Student Engagement in a Digital Learning Space . Journal of Digital Marketing and Communication, 1(1), 7–12.
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