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Development of Hot Air Dryer Conveyor for Automotive Tampo Printing Parts

Author(s): Ali Rospawan 1 , Joni Welman Simatupang 2 , Irwan Purnama 3
Author(s) information:
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2 Study Program of Electrical Engineering, President University, Cikarang, West Java, 17530, Indonesia
3 Technical Implementation Unit for Instrumentation Development (UPT BPI), LIPI-BRIN, Bandung, Indonesia

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This paper presents the development of a hot air dryer conveyor for the automotive industry in the tampo printing part of the process. The research started by designing and creating the actual device that is ready to use and be implemented in the industry. The method provided details on the drying chamber, hot air dryer, and their mathematical model. The chosen hot air dryer operated in the factory default of auto-tuning mode. The performance evaluation studies indicated the performance of the hot air dryer for the chosen size of the drying chamber, the robustness of the system against fluctuating environmental air change rate, the ducting capacity, and the damper opening value estimation performance. The result of this system was working well at the specification requirement of operating at an air change rate of 15 to 21 while working at 80% of its maximum capacity, and the equipment has been successfully implemented. The detailed results are that the conveyor is only working while the settled temperature was achieved and the full work sensor is off, the hot air dryer perfectly matches the chamber size, and the chamber size selection was also well calculated and implemented.

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About this article

SUBMITTED: 14 March 2022
ACCEPTED: 02 April 2022
PUBLISHED: 7 April 2022

Cite this article
Rospawan, A., Simatupang, J. W., & Purnama, I. (2022). Development of Hot Air Dryer Conveyor for Automotive Tampo Printing Parts. Green Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2(1), 34–41.
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