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Green Intelligent Systems and Applications (GISA)

Open Access (OA) Journal

Green Intelligent Systems and Applications (e-ISSN: 2809-1116) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on theoretical and applied sciences related to all aspects of green technologies and intelligent systems published biannually online by Tecno Scientifica. Open Access — free for readers and authors. High Visibility: indexed within CrossRef, Sinta 3, Scilit, Google Scholar, and many other databases. Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 3 weeks after submission. About GISA journal | All volumes & issues

The journal is intended to provide a platform for research communities from different disciplines to disseminate, exchange and communicate all aspects of green technologies and intelligent systems. The topics of this journal include, but are not limited to:

  1. Green communication systems: 5G and 6G communication systems, power harvesting, cognitive radio, cognitive networks, signal processing for communication, delay tolerant networks, smart grid communications, power-line communications, antenna and wave propagation, THz technology.
  2. Green computing: high performance cloud computing, computing for sustainability, CPSS, computer vision, distributed computing, software engineering, bioinformatics, semantics web.
  3. Cyber security: cryptography, digital forensics, mobile security, cloud security.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT): sensors, nanotechnology applications, Agriculture 5.0, Society 5.0.
  5. Intelligent systems: artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, big data analytics, neural networks.
  6. Smart grid: distributed grid, renewable energy in smart grid, optimized power delivery, artificial intelligence in smart grid, smart grid control and operation.