This research investigated the determinants of adopting and sustaining the utilization of automated mini-greenhouses in the Philippines, a nation particularly vulnerable to climate change. Using an integrated theoretical framework combining the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2), Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), and Actor-Network Theory (ANT), this research employed a quantitative approach to assess key constructs, such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, trust, habit, and technology readiness. Data were collected through structured surveys administered to smallholder farmers, and the results were analyzed using Python-based statistical tools. The findings indicated that performance expectancy and social influence were significant predictors of technology adoption, while habit and facilitating conditions strongly influenced continued use. Trust and resource accessibility, derived from DOI and ANT, also emerged as critical factors in sustained utilization. These results contributed to understanding smart farming adoption in the context of climate resilience and sustainable agriculture. Future research should explore broader applications of such technologies and further examine their long-term sustainability.
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SUBMITTED: 30 October 2024
ACCEPTED: 30 January 2025
4 February 2025