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Development of COVID-19 Isolation Facility Management System with Scrum Framework

Author(s): Sandy Darmowinoto 1 , Syed Rafi Hossain 1 , Puji Astuti 2
Author(s) information:
1 Faculty of Computing, President University, Indonesia
2 President Community College, Indonesia

Corresponding author

A COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia in early 2020, and on the 31st of March 2020, President Joko Widodo declared a public health emergency. By June 2021, the Delta variant hit Indonesia, causing shortages of hospital beds and resources. People who were tested positive for COVID-19 were asked to self-isolate at home. However, many houses in Indonesia are not suitable for self-isolation. Meanwhile, President University’s and President Community College’s students’ dormitories were empty as students returned to their homes and resumed their studies remotely using online classes. Therefore, the President University Foundation decided to repurpose the students’ dormitories as COVID-19 isolation facilities. To support its daily operation, an isolation facility management system was developed. To ensure the timely delivery of the system, Scrum was chosen as its development framework. Ten (10) participants tested the system for its usability, and the system scored an average of 94.5. This indicates that the developed system is easy to use and highly usable. The system was completed within a month, according to the planned schedule. The use of the Scrum framework has allowed the development team to produce a useful and effective information system in the shortest amount of time possible. Therefore, the system developed by this research provides services and facilities that are not only important in helping COVID-19 patients but also a better environment and has an integrated information system with various parties involved in handling COVID-19 patients.
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About this article

SUBMITTED: 22 August 2022
ACCEPTED: 27 October 2022
PUBLISHED: 31 October 2022

Cite this article
Darmowinoto, S. ., Hossain, S. R. ., & Astuti, P. . (2022). Development of COVID-19 Isolation Facility Management System with Scrum Framework. Green Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2(2), 96–107.
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