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Demographics and Chemical Preservatives Used by Vegetable and Fruit Retailers Selected Across Markets in Lagos, Southwestern Nigeria

Author(s): Tajudeen Yahaya 1 , Amarachi Ukeoma 2 , Mohammed Musa 1 , Lukman Abdullahi 1 , Abubakar Muhammad 3 , Emmanuel John 4
Author(s) information:
1 Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University Birnin Kebbi, PMB 1157, Kebbi State, Nigeria
2 Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management, National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria
3 Department of Biology, Federal University of Agriculture, Zuru, Kebbi State, Nigeria
4 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Federal University Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria

Corresponding author

Literatures show that several thousands of Nigerians die yearly from poisoning caused by chemical preservatives used for vegetables and fruits. Thus, there is the need to prioritize the safety of vegetables and fruits consumed in every locality in the country. The demographics of 50 vegetable and fruit retailers randomly selected across markets in Lagos, Nigeria, as well as types of chemical preservatives used, were determined in this study. The survey revealed that 32 (64%) of the participants were females, while 18 (36%) were males. Participants with no formal education were 2 (4%), those with primary education were 13 (26%), those with secondary education consisted of 24 (46%), and those with tertiary education made up of 11 members (22%). 16 (32%) participants were Hausa, 13 (26%) participants were Yoruba, 12 (24%) participants were Igbo, and the rest were sub-ethnic groups. 28 (56%) participants use natural methods, while 22 (44.00%) participants use chemical preservatives, mostly pesticides. Of the 22 participants that use chemicals, gammalin-20 was used by 6 (27%) participants, sniper was used by 4 (18%) participants, aluminum phosphide was used by 4 (18%) participants, DDT (otapiapia) was used by 3 (14%) participants, carbide was used by 3 (14%) participants, and brodifacum was used by 2 (9%) participants. Based on these results, there is a significant use of chemical preservatives across markets in Lagos, which can predispose consumers to health hazards. Vegetable and fruit retailers and consumers in the city need to be sensitized on the health threat posed by chemical preservatives.

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About this article

SUBMITTED: 21 August 2023
ACCEPTED: 21 November 2023
PUBLISHED: 29 November 2023

Cite this article
Yahaya, T., Ukeoma, A. ., Musa, M. ., Abdullahi, L. ., Muhammad, A. ., & John, E. . (2023). Demographics and Chemical Preservatives Used by Vegetable and Fruit Retailers Selected Across Markets in Lagos, Southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Environment, Biology, and Technology, 1(2), 76–85.
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