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Automatic Temperature Control System on Smart Poultry Farm Using PID Method

Author(s): I Ketut Agung Enriko 1 , 2 , , Ryan Anugrah Putra 3 , Estananto 3
Author(s) information:
1 Institut Teknologi Telkom, Purwokerto 53147, Indonesia
2 PT. Telkom Indonesia, Bandung 40152, Indonesia
3 School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia

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Chicken farmers in Indonesia are facing a problem as a result of the country's harsh weather conditions. Poultry species are very susceptible to temperature and humidity fluctuations. As a result, an intelligent poultry farm is necessary to intelligently adjust the temperature in the chicken coop. A smart poultry farm is a concept in which farmers may automatically manage the temperature in the chicken coop, thereby improving the livestock's quality of life. The purpose of this research is to develop a chicken coop prototype that focuses on temperature control systems on smart poultry farms via the PID control approach. The PID control method is expected to allow the temperature control system to adapt to the temperature within the cage, thereby assisting chicken farmers in their task. The sensor utilized is a DHT22 sensor with a calibration accuracy of 96.88 percent. The PID response was found to be satisfactory for the system with Kp = 10, Ki = 0, and KD = 0.1, and the time necessary for the system to reach the specified temperature was 121 seconds with a 1.03 % inaccuracy.
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SUBMITTED: 28 October 2021
ACCEPTED: 28 November 2021
PUBLISHED: 29 November 2021

Cite this article
Enriko, I. K. A., Putra, R. A., & Estananto. (2021). Automatic Temperature Control System on Smart Poultry Farm Using PID Method. Green Intelligent Systems and Applications, 1(1), 37–43.
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