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Environmental Research and Planetary Health (ERPH)

Open Access (OA) Journal

Environmental Research and Planetary Health is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing high quality and novel information about anthropogenic issues of global relevance and applicability in a wide range of environmental and human health disciplines, demonstrating environmental and health application in the real-world context published biannually online by the Society of Tropical Science and Technology, and Tecno Scientifica. Open Access — free for readers and authors, with no article processing charges (APC). Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 3 weeks after submission. About ERPH journal | All volumes & issues

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Search Parameters:
Keyword = Sanitation Clinics
Journal = Environmental Research and Planetary Health
Found one item.
Evaluation of the Sanitation Clinic Program on Environment-Based Diseases Between Tanjung Pinang Health Center and Paal V Health Center in Jambi City

Author(s): Auffa Nabila, Arnild Augina Mekarisce, Fajrina Hidayati, Adelina Fitri, Andree Aulia Rahmat, Nour Abdeljawad, Carey Louise Arroyo

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