Green Intelligent Systems and Applications <p><strong><em>Green Intelligent Systems and Applications (Green Intell. Syst. Appl.) (ISSN 2809-1116) </em></strong><strong> </strong>with a short form of <strong>GISA </strong>is an<strong> Open Access Refereed Journal </strong>that publishes <strong>research articles, reviews, and short communication </strong>on all aspects of green technologies and intelligent systems.</p> <p><strong>GISA </strong>is published online with a frequency of two (2) issues per year in <strong>October and April </strong>with <strong>FREE </strong>of Article Processing Charge (APCs) and Articles Submission Charges (ASCs). Besides that, special issues of GISA will be published non-periodically from time to time. </p> en-US <p>Authors shall retain the copyright of their work and grant the Journal/Publisher rights for the first publication with the work concurrently licensed under the <a href=""><strong>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)</strong></a>.</p> <p>Under this license, authors who submit their papers for publication by <em>Green Intelligent Systems and Applications</em><em> </em>agree to have the CC BY 4.0 license applied to their work, and that anyone is allowed to reuse the article or part of it free of charge for any purpose, including commercial use. As long as the author and original source is properly cited, anyone may copy, redistribute, reuse and transform the content.</p> <p>This broad license intends to facilitate free access, as well as the unrestricted use of original works of all types. This ensures that the published work is freely and openly available in perpetuity.</p> (Editorial Office - Green Intelligent Systems and Applications) (Tecno Scientifica Support) Sun, 15 Jun 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Design of A Braille Printer Based on ESP32 Microcontroller with Voice Input <p>Braille is a tactile phonetic alphabet system invented by Louis Braille, a blind teacher from France, in the 1800s. The Braille system was recognized as "a vital language of communication, as valid as all other languages in the world" in 2005. There are other alternatives, such as touch-based methods, to convey information that is generally obtained through sight. One of them is the use of Braille letters for reading, writing, and improving welfare by increasing insight. However, only 52 special schools in Indonesia have printers for Braille books. Limited access to Braille printing facilities in Indonesia is due to high costs. The cost of a printer machine, approximately 50 million per school, poses a challenge in providing learning facilities. This research proposes a compact and cost-effective Braille printer using an ESP32 microcontroller with both speech and mechanical switch inputs. The mechanical switch is used for typing text to be printed, while the microphone captures sound input in the form of audio, as it is easier to use. Audio input is processed using speech-to-text technology. The speech-to-text process is carried out with speech recognition, which listens to the words spoken by the user and matches them with the data in the module to execute specific commands. This Braille printer is designed to print Braille letters based on data received directly from individuals with and without disabilities. The printer accepts input in the form of speech or text, which is then sent to the processing module, the ESP32 microcontroller. Once all data is processed, the Braille printer module controls axis movements using a stepper motor. Braille prints are embossed to create raised dots on paper. Experimental results demonstrate 100% accuracy for both speech and typing inputs, along with reliable printing performance on standard HVS paper. Compared to previous solutions, the proposed design is more versatile, affordable, and portable. This study presents a practical solution for increasing access to Braille education and information.</p> Maria Beatrix, Wahidin Wahab, Meirista Wulandari Copyright (c) 2025 Maria Beatrix, Wahidin Wahab, Meirista Wulandari Wed, 26 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Harnessing Smart Farming: Key Determinants of Automated Mini Greenhouse Adoption and Use in the Philippines <p>This research investigated the determinants of adopting and sustaining the utilization of automated mini-greenhouses in the Philippines, a nation particularly vulnerable to climate change. Using an integrated theoretical framework combining the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2), Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), and Actor-Network Theory (ANT), this research employed a quantitative approach to assess key constructs, such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, trust, habit, and technology readiness. Data were collected through structured surveys administered to smallholder farmers, and the results were analyzed using Python-based statistical tools. The findings indicated that performance expectancy and social influence were significant predictors of technology adoption, while habit and facilitating conditions strongly influenced continued use. Trust and resource accessibility, derived from DOI and ANT, also emerged as critical factors in sustained utilization. These results contributed to understanding smart farming adoption in the context of climate resilience and sustainable agriculture. Future research should explore broader applications of such technologies and further examine their long-term sustainability.</p> Eugenia R. Zhuo Copyright (c) 2025 Eugenia R. Zhuo Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Spam and Phishing Whatsapp Message Filtering Application Using TF - IDF and Machine Learning Methods <p>The rapid development of communication technology has led to an increase in the number of unwanted messages, such as spam and phishing attempts. However, this progress has not been accompanied by sufficient user awareness of the basics of technology use. Additionally, the enforcement of laws regarding internet-based crimes remains unclear, further increasing the risk for users of internet technology to fall victim to such crimes. As one of the media prone to spam and phishing, WhatsApp is the focus of this research, which aims to develop an application capable of filtering spam and phishing messages. The application employs the TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) method and machine learning using the Random Forest model. It is developed using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, enabling the separation of business logic from the user interface, thereby improving development and maintenance efficiency. The research findings demonstrate that the combination of TF-IDF and Random Forest achieves high accuracy in classifying spam and phishing messages. Performance evaluation using a confusion matrix reveals an accuracy rate of 92%. For the safe message class, the precision, recall, and F1 scores are 89%, 95%, and 92%, respectively, while for the dangerous message class, the scores are 95%, 88%, and 92%, respectively. Furthermore, the integration of the model and application performed exceptionally well, as evidenced by black-box testing results. All test scenarios were met, successfully detecting test messages with 98% accuracy. Therefore, the developed application provides enhanced protection for WhatsApp users against digital threats.</p> Ferdinand Aprillian Manurung, Munawir, Deden Pradeka Copyright (c) 2025 Ferdinand Aprillian Manurung, Munawir, Deden Pradeka Sat, 18 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000