Artificial Intelligence in Computational Mechanics <p>Welcome to "Artificial Intelligence in Computational Mechanics" a leading scholarly journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of AI, computing in combination with mechanical science. The journal aims to explore the latest advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in computational mechanics. AI has become an indispensable tool in science and engineering, enabling researchers and engineers to solve complex problems and make groundbreaking discoveries that were once considered impossible. This journal provides a platform for researchers to share their insights, ideas, and findings related to AI and its intersection with computational engineering and science.</p> <p>.</p> Tecno Scientifica Publishing en-US Artificial Intelligence in Computational Mechanics Unlocking the Transformative Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Computational Mechanics <p>Integrating artificial intelligence into computational mechanics represents a transformative paradigm shift in modelling, simulation, analysis, and design methodologies. By harnessing AI's power while ensuring its explainability to the users, we can enhance predictive capabilities, optimize design and performance, accelerate research and development efforts, and empower our engineers to address longstanding challenges. Let us embrace this transformative technology and work together to unlock its full potential in advancing the frontiers of computational mechanics.</p> Parsa Ghannadi Seyed Sina Kourehli Andy Nguyen Qilin Li Erkan Oterkus Copyright (c) 2024 Parsa Ghannadi, Seyed Sina Kourehli , Andy Nguyen, Qilin Li, Erkan Oterkus 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 1 1 1 5